Written in 1901 by Ferrazzani, an Italian lawyer and sociologist, this concise,
fascinating book predicts the role women will have, the changes society will
undergo, and the part the new movement called ‘feminism’ will play in the upcoming century.
Ferrazzani was a man ahead of his time. In a period in Italy
when no need was seen to educate young girls, and a married woman was
completely under the authority of her husband, he examines the social, legal
and moral plight of women and argues for and predicts the inevitability of changes
that have ultimately come to pass in progressive societies: equality in
education, full access to employment, legal rights in the event of divorce or
abandonment, and more. His arguments are still echoed today and the insights
and predictions he makes, given the prevailing social values of the time, are
nothing short of remarkable.
Available for Kindle at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B017JAJC02/